Dreams create ideals, and ideals become motivation.
Life's accomplishments begin with a single dream.
Life's accomplishments begin with a single dream.
To encourage modern youths in pursuing their dreams, Canadian trendy fashion and accessories boutique JCY Group has collaborated with e-Evolution media company to produce a Chinese-Canadian romance film. JCY Group Chairman, Mary Yapp and Founder of e-Evolution, Leo Shiu will officially sign their partnership at a press conference this Saturday afternoon.
Promise is an inspirational story about dreams, faith and true love. Aside from the presence of charming gentlemen, beautiful ladies, and JCY fashion and accessories, the film contains the essential theme of fighting for your dreams while sacrificing for your true love. JCY Group's determination, experience, and work ethics in the past twenty years and counting has been a notable part of their success. With their motif of "gain from society, return through society", they have frequently participated in charity events to give back to the society. e-Evolution hopes to convey the persevering spirit of JCY Group to modern youths through this film.
In the interest of finding characters at a right age group, the film hopes to reach out to as many individuals who have a passion for acting to try out for a chance to be taught under a famed director, and to share the experience of performing on the big stage together. Hence, public auditions will be held on September 11th, and any person interested in performing in the film is welcomed to participate.
Candidates may apply through e-Evolution's website. At a scheduled time, JCY Group chairman Mary Yapp and Director Leo Shiu will personally interview each candidate.
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